Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Viết Xuân (Có đáp án)

Câu 12: His ______ was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.
A. determination B. figure C. respect D. reputation
Câu 13: ______ for about 4 weeks, we now can perform most of the tasks confidently.
A. Being trained
B. Training
C. Having trained
D. Having been trained
doc 10 trang Bảo Ngọc 24/01/2024 1040
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  1. Đề thi thử Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions Câu 1: A. satellites B. challenges C. approaches D. devices Câu 2: A. peasant B. measure C. creature D. pleasure Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions Câu 3: A. survive B. forward C. observe D. secure Câu 4: A. immigrant B. miracle C. strategy D. position Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Câu 5: A body has discovered by the police near the isolated house. A. has discovered B. near C. isolated D. the Câu 6: Now that we have a baby, we get seldom the chance to go to the cinema. A. that B. have C. get seldom D. to go Câu 7: I know that if I start watching a soap opera, I immediately become hopelessly addictive. A. addictive B. if C. watching D. hopelessly Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Câu 8: If he didn’t come to the party, he ___ Sarah. A. couldn’t meet B. can’t meet C. hadn’t met D. couldn’t have met Câu 9: He started working as ___ childminder when she was at university. A. an B. the C. a D. no article Câu 10: He claimed ___ from military service as he was a foreign national. A. demobilization B. exemption C. liability D. exception
  2. D. so that his students could understand it Câu 18: She walks so fast that I can hardly keep ___ her. A. up with B. up to C. away from D. off with Câu 19: It was such a/an ___ book about environmental problems. A. weather-beaten B. thought-provoking C. absent-minded D. ill-behaved Câu 20: I still enjoyed the week ___ the weather. A. though B. although C. despite D. in spite Câu 21: Nowadays, it’s become ___ common to offer guests the wifi password along with a cup of tea. A. increased B. increasing C. increasingly D. increase Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheer to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 22 to 26. In the past, technology and progress was very slow. People “invented” farming 12,000 years ago but it took 8,000 years for the idea to go around the world. Then, about 3,500 years ago, people called “potters” used round wheels to turn and make plates. But it took hundreds of years before some clever person thought, if we join two wheels together and make them bigger, we can use them to move things. In the last few centuries, things have begun to move faster. Take a 20th-century invention like the aeroplane, for example. The first acroplane flight on 17 December 1903 only lasted 12 seconds, and the plane only went 37 metres. It can't have been very exciting to watch, but that flight changed the world. Sixteen years later, the first plane flew across the Atlantic, and only fifty years after that, men walked on the moon. Technology is now changing our world faster and faster. So what will the future bring? One of the first changes will be the materials we use. Scientists have just invented an amazing new material called graphene, and soon we will use it to do lots of things. With graphene batteries in your mobile, it will take a few seconds to charge your phone or download a thousand gigabytes of information! Today, we make most products in factories, but in the future, scientists
  3. Câu 25: What does the writer say about space solar power? A. It's an old idea, but people are only starting to develop it now. B. It's much easier to build a solar power station in space than on Earth. C. It's a science fiction idea, and nobody really thinks it will work. D. People tried it in 1941, but they didn'tsucceed. Câu 26: The best title for the article would be . A. Will computers rule the world? B. Progress now and then C. Man in space D. More and more inventions Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges Câu 27: “I have an idea. Let’s go for a swim on Sunday afternoon”. - “___” A. You bet! B. I know. C. OK, what time? D. I’m sure. Câu 28: Jack and Lala are talking about hiking in the mountain. - Jack: “I think we should set off early.” - Lala: “___. Then, we can have more time in the mountain.” A. I don’t think so B. I can’t agree with you more C. Sorry, I missed your point D. you must be kidding Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s ) in each of the following questions Câu 29: The icebox became a UfixtureU in most homes and remained so until the mechanized refrigerator replaced it in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
  4. A. Bob denied telling lies to Suanna. B. Bob admitted not telling lies to Suanna. C. Bob apologize for telling lies to Suanna. D. Bob refused to tell lies to Suanna. Câu 35: I’m certain Luis was on top of the world when his wife gave birth to their first child. A. Luisa must be on top of the world when his wife gave birth to their first child. B. Luisa must have been on top of the world when his wife gave birth to their first child. C. Luisa could have been on top of the world when his wife gave birth to their first child. D. Luisa may be very on top of the world when his wife gave birth to their first child. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each of sentences in the following questions Câu 36: The workers only stop the walkout after a new pay offer. A. Not until a new pay was offered, the workers stop the walkout. B. A new pay was offered, which made the walkout stop. C. The worker workers stop the walkout only when a new pay offer. D. Not until a new pay was offered did the workers stop the walkout. Câu 37: I did not see Peterson off at the railway station. I feel bad about it now. A. I wish I saw Peterson off at the railway station. B. I regret having seen Peterson off at the railway station. C. If I saw Peteron off at the railway station, I would reget it now. D. If only I had seen Peterson off at the railway station. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 38 to 42 MENTORING
  5. Why did the huge, seemingly successful mammoths disappear? Were humans connected with their extinction? Perhaps, but at the time, although they were hunters, humans were still widely scattered and not very numerous. It is difficult to see how they could have prevailed over the mammoth to such an extent. Câu 43: With which of the following is the passage primarily concerned? A. Techniques used to hunt mammoths. B. Migration from Siberia to Alaska. C. The prehistory of humans. D. The relationship between man and mammoth in the New World. Câu 44: The word "implements" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. carvings B. ornaments C. houses D. tools Câu 45: The phrase "these early migrants" in paragraph 2 refers to A. humans B. dogs C. mammoths D. mastodons Câu 46: Where were the imperial mammoths the dominant type of mammoth? A. Alaska B. the central portion of North America C. the southern part of North America D. South America Câu 47: It can be inferred that when humans crossed into the New World, they ___ A. had previously hunted mammoths in Siberia. B. had never seen mammoths before. C. brought mammoths with them from the Old World. D. soon learned to use dogs to hun mammoths. Câu 48: The passage support which of the following conclusions about mammoths? A. Competition with mastodons caused them to become extinct.