Đề thi thử Tốt nghiệp THPT lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2022 - Mã đề 001 - Trường THPT Trần Quốc Tuấn (Có đáp án)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 8: In 2003, Le Thanh Thuy was diagnosed with bone cancer and doctors decided to
amputate her leg to save her life.
A. cut off B. stretch C. injure D. lift her
Câu 9: The global economy has been seriously undermined since the coronavirus was
detected in Wuhan.
A. weakened B. adopted C. balanced D. classified
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử Tốt nghiệp THPT lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2022 - Mã đề 001 - Trường THPT Trần Quốc Tuấn (Có đáp án)

  1. SỞ GD & ĐT QUẢNG NGÃI KỲ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM 2022 TRƯỜNG THPT TRẦN QUỐC TUẤN BÀI THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 60 Phút; (Đề có 50 câu) ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề có 6 trang) Họ tên : Số báo danh : Mã đề 001 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Now I'm as environmentally concerned as the next man, probably more so, in fact, but a spate of new books urging us to “live better, greener lifestyles” and to 'live within nature's limits' leaves me rather cold. Evidently, it's easy. Buy products that don't exploit other humans, animals or the environment. Don't shop at the multinational supermarkets, support small shops which sell environmentally friendly products, buy local produce when you need to, and, while you're about it, just make your own bread, butter, cheese, jam, keep a milking cow, a few pigs, goats, chickens, beehives, gardens and orchards. Well, what are you waiting for? The book A Slice of Organic Life by Sheherazade Goldsmith contains plenty of useful advice, and she comes across as modest, sincere and well informed. But of lobbying for political change, there is not a word. According to Goldsmith you can save the planet from your own kitchen - if you have endless time and plenty of land. When I was reading it on the train, another passenger asked me if he could take a look. He flicked through it for a moment, and then summed up the problem in seven words: “This is for people who don't work!” The media's obsession with beauty, wealth and fame blights every issue it touches, but none more so than green issues. There is an inherent conflict between the aspirational lifestyle journalism that makes readers feel better about themselves and sells country-style kitchens to those who can afford them, and the central demand of environmentalism - that we should consume less. 'None of these changes represents a sacrifice, Goldsmith tells us. 'Being more conscientious isn't about giving up things.' But it is it, like her, you own more than one home when others have none. Uncomfortable as this is for both the media and its advertisers, giving things up is an essential component of going green. A section on ethical shopping in Goldsmith's book advises us to buy organic, buy seasonal, buy local, buy sustainable, buy recycled. But it says nothing about buying less. Green consumerism is becoming a pox on the planet. If it merely swapped the damaging goods we buy for less damaging ones, I would champion it. But two parallel markets are developing - one for unethical products and one for ethical products, and the expansion of the second does little to hinder the growth of the first. But there is another danger with ethical shopping. I have met houseowners who have bought solar panels and wind turbines before they have done the simple thing and insulated their lofts, partly because they love gadgets but partly, I suspect, because everyone can then see how conscientious and how rich they are. We are often told that buying such products encourages us to think more widely about environmental challenges, but it is just as likely to be depoliticising. Green consumerism is a substitute for collective action; No political challenge can be met by shopping. (Adapted from Cambridge English Objective Proficiency by Peter Sunderland and Eria Whettem) Câu 1: In the third paragraph, the writer disagrees with Sheherazade Goldsmith on A. the need for people to make sacrifices. B. how people will react to being told how to run their lives. C. how the media can best promote the concept of ethical shopping. D. the need for the media to get involved in environmental matters. Trang 1/6 - Mã đề 001
  2. Câu 15: I don’t suppose there is anyone there, .? A. is there B. don’t I C. isn’t there D. do I Câu 16: Lifelong learning can also help . some of the weaknesses of the education system. A. repair B. mend C. amend D. adjust Câu 17: The biggest fear is that humans might . control over robots. A. lose B. keep C. gain D. take Câu 18: She may still have a few fans in the World, but she is definitely past her A. fortune B. prime C. fame D. abilities Câu 19: I will have been away from home for more than three years A. until I will have returned next month B. once I had returned next month C. as soon as I will return next month D. by the time I return to my country next month. Câu 20: Indonesia got off to a . start with a goal in the first half, but Vietnam still won the match in the end. A. jumping B. flying C. leaping D. kicking Câu 21: All activities have stopped . the weather has been terrible since yesterday. A. because B. because of C. despite D. although Câu 22: . all of his savings in the project, he became almost penniless. A. Have invested B. Having been invested C. Had invested D. Having invested Câu 23: Hanoi has nearly completed all . for the upcoming 31st Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games 31). A. preparatory B. prepare C. preparations D. preparingly Câu 24: Scientists . a carefully controlled experiment on the mysterious new virus. A. carried out B. carried over C. put up D. measured out Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Câu 25: We urge that stricter measures should be taken to prevent the extermination of some endangered species. A. disappearance B. destruction C. rescue D. killing Câu 26: I haven't prepared much for tomorrow’s interview. Just the thought of sitting in a room full of interviewers made my hair stand on end. A. horrified me B. cooled me C. appalled me D. comforted me Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Câu 27: Mark works so hard. I’m sure he’ll be promoted soon. A. So hard is his work that I’m sure he’ll be promoted soon. B. Only when I am sure he’ll be promoted soon does Mark work hard. C. So hard does Mark work that I’m sure he’ll be promoted soon. D. Were I not sure of his being promoted soon, Mark wouldn’t work so hard. Câu 28: Peter moved abroad for a fresh start. He regrets it now. A. Peter regrets not having moved abroad for a fresh start. B. If only Peter had moved abroad for a fresh start. C. Peter wishes he hadn’t moved abroad for a fresh start. D. If Peter moved abroad for a fresh start, he would regret it. Trang 3/6 - Mã đề 001
  3. negatively affect it. In the area of noise pollution, it is the effect of excess noise on humans or animals that will hurt their lives. Noise pollution refers to the various non-nature sounds that reverberate in the environment and are unpleasant to the ears. As against the peace and serenity that reigns in the areas that are uninhabited by humans, the human-occupied areas are almost always devoid of calm. However, it is more of the urban centers that have a very high instance of noise pollution. The most significant contributor to the noise pollution is perhaps the increasing vehicular traffic with a need to rush through to the destination, ending up in blaring of horns and people shouting across the roads. The loud cacophony of the crowds, the sounds emanating from factories or construction sites and the loud music or announcements pouring out from loudspeakers and radios are some examples of what constitutes noise pollution. One thing needed to control problems like noise pollution is a basic civic sense. Empathy towards others is the primary key to cutting noise beyond the necessary levels. An educated and aware person will not use horns unless needed. The use of loudspeakers will also be limited or eliminated. However, if that does not work, there has to be enforcement of some rules by the authorities towards controlling these acts. Noise pollution is a major issue in various places, but there are also avenues that are being introduced to reduce it minimally. (Adapted from www.importantindic.com) Câu 39: Which of the following is NOT mentioned regarding the contributors to noise pollution? A. Systems through which music is played can be considered partly to blame. B. The amount of private transport on the road is on the rise. C. The blaring of car horns is louder than the people shouting across the road. D. Industrial sites also play a part in the formulation of noise pollution. Câu 40: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. An overview of noise pollution B. What causes noise pollution C. Some ways to make noise D. How to prevent noise pollution Câu 41: The word ‘that’ in paragraph 2 refers A. humans B. ears C. areas D. sounds Câu 42: The word ‘emanating’ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to . A. facing B. lending C. preventing D. coming Câu 43: Which of the following is true, according to the passage? A. Authorities have started to up their game in enforcing rules to minimise noise pollution in several cities. B. Cities have higher levels of noise pollution than rural areas. C. People who have been to university do not tend to use their car horns as much as those who haven’t. D. Noise pollution affects animals more than it does humans. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Câu 44: A. industry B. consumption C. prestigious D. industrial Câu 45: A. require B. demand C. obey D. finish Trang 5/6 - Mã đề 001