Đề thi thử Tốt nghiệp THPT lần 3 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020 - Trường THPT Trần Nhân Tông (Có đáp án)

Question 14. The success of the company in such a __________ market is remarkable.
A. compete B. competitively C. competitive D. competition
Question 15. I’d like to begin by __________ what we did in last week’s lessons
A. putting off B. going over C. holding up D. giving up
Question 16. The manager ______ the new employee a lot of compliments on the first day he worked there
A. did B. made C. paid D. took
doc 8 trang Bảo Ngọc 19/01/2024 1540
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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ THPTQG MÔN TIẾNG ANH NĂM 2020 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1. A. follows B. worksC. supports D. roofs Question 2. A. giveB. behindC. findD. while Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. opticalB. inactiveC. habitat D. vulnerable Question 4. A. employB. studyC. medalD. sudden Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. His birthday party was wonderful, ___? A. doesn’t it B. isn’t it C. wasn’t it D. hasn’t it Question 6. We often hear that most people throughout history believed ___ world was flat. A. aB. theC. an D. 0 (no article) Question 7. I was surprised___ her excellent knowledge of designing websites. A. onB. ofC. forD. at Question 8. The boy denied ___ been involved in the affair. A. had B. to have C. have D. having Question 9. If she ___ not busy cleaning the house, she would go out with us. A. will beB. would beC. were D. are Question 10. Hard jobs ___ by the weather are a pushing factor to lead young farmers to the cities. A. are affectedB. affected C. are affecting D. affecting Question 11. Children are encouraged to read books ___ they are a wonderful source of knowledge. A. althoughB. because ofC. despite D. because Question 12. I will send you some postcards, ___. A. until I will arrive at the destinationB. as soon as I arrive at the destination
  2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 24. Peter and Dane are talking about environmental protection. - Peter: “I think we should use paper bags instead of plastic bags.” - Dane: “___. If so, we will protect our environment.” A. I can’t agree with you more. B. It’s nonsense. C. I don’t quite agree D. It’s our pleasure Question 25. Bob is having dinner at a restaurant. - Bob: “Can you bring me some more salads?” - Waiter: “___” A. Certainly, sir B. You’re welcome C. I don’t think so D. You can take them by yourself Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks. The Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak is a new illness and scientists are still (26)___how it spreads from person to person, but similar viruses tend to spread via cough and sneeze droplets. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they release droplets of saliva or mucus. These droplets can fall on people in the vicinity and can be either directly inhaled or picked up on the hands then (27)___when someone touches their face, causing infection. For flu, some hospital guidelines define exposure as being within six feet of an infected person (28) ___ sneezes or coughs for 10 minutes or longer. Viruses can also be spread through droplets landing on surfaces such as seats on buses or trains or desks in school. (28)___, whether this is a main transmission route depends on how long viruses survive on surfaces – this can vary from hours to months. There is anecdotal evidence that the virus can be spread by people before they have symptoms. Some (30)___ illnesses such as flu can be passed from one person to another before symptoms occur – but the extent to which this is happening with the new coronavirus is not well understood yet. Question 26. A. admittingB. presumingC. assessingD. accounting Question 27. A. transferredB. exchangedC. transformedD. emerged Question 28. A. whichB. whereC. whoD. when Question 29. A. MoreoverB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. In fact Question 30. A. everyB. oneC. anotherD. other Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of
  3. Question 33. What does the US government say tomatoes are? A. A kind of fruitB. A kind of vegetable C. Both a fruit and a vegetable D. Neither a fruit nor a vegetable Question 34. The word “them’ in the passage refers to ___ A. peopleB. soldiers C. seedsD. tomatoes Question 35. What is the most likely reason why people first called tomatoes “apples of gold”? A. Tomatoes were very expensive.B. Tomatoes tasted delicious. C. Tomatoes were a color like gold. D. Tomatoes came from South America. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. Culture shock is the emotional and mental reaction to being in a completely new cultural environment. This is often a very difficult experience for many people and it consists of several stages of feelings until someone successfully adapts to being in the new culture. The “honeymoon” phase of culture shock is usually the first stage that people go through when surrounded by different cultural values and lifestyles. During this stage, people often have very positive images of their new cultural surroundings. They tend to view these in an idealistic way and ignore or minimize problems. Encounters with new people are seen as fascinating and unique. This phase is usually quite short for most people and quickly gives way to the second stage, called “the frustration phase”. During the “frustration phase”, the newcomer begins to experience a more negative view of their cultural surroundings. The problems of communicating in a new language or the tasting different foods, for example, are no longer novel. The visitor tends to exaggerate or dwell on problems in the new culture. There is a definite frustration that things that should be easy are still difficult. For example, people who may have been enjoyed learning the basics of a language during the honeymoon phase would now find it a chore to try and communicate with locals in the frustration phase. Newcomers may feel isolated during this phase and many people will voluntarily isolate themselves. Depending on one’s outlook and situation, this phase can last days, months, or even years. After the frustration phase ends, the adjustment phase begins. This marks the time when newcomers begin to adapt to the new culture. They begin to accept the differences around them and the challenges of everyday life. They can appreciate some aspects of the new culture while
  4. B. decided against integrating in the new culture and do not accept it C. 100% completely mastered the new foreign language they were learning D. experienced a long bout of depression or lethargy from time to time Question 41. What could you predict as the topic of the next paragraph in the passage? A. how to deal with culture shockB. information about the frustration phase C. how to learn a new languageD. examples of the author's frustrations Question 42. According to the passage, which is NOT TRUE about the culture shock? A. People may experience lots of troubles in the new culture during the second phase. B. In the first stage, people often have negative images of the new culture. C. After the second phase, there are three possible outcomes. D. Those who can’t adapt to the new culture have difficulty re-adjusting to their home culture. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 43. According to the Peter principal, a worker will rise to his or her level of incompetence. A B C D Question 44. I would rather pay for my education than receiving financial aid A B C D Question 45. Wearing masks during the Covid-19 outbreak are an expression of patriotism A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46. My children like surfing the Internet more than doing sport. A. My children like doing sport as much as surfing the Internet B. My children don’t like surfing the Internet as much as doing sport. C. My children like doing sport more than surfing the Internet D. My children don’t like doing sport as much as surfing the Internet Question 47. "I have finished my project" said my classmate. A. My classmate said that I have finished her project. B. My classmate said that she has finished her project.