Đề thi thử Tốt nghiệp THPT lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2023 - Mã đề 132 - Trường THPT Kiến Thụy

Question 8: The author states that the reason that infants need to avoid certain foods related to allergies
has to do with the infant's _______
A. lack of teeth B. poor metabolism
C. underdeveloped intestinal tract D. inability to swallow solid foods
Question 9: The word "these" in the third paragraph refers to_______
A. food additives B. food colorings
C. innutritious foods D. foods high in silicates
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Nội dung text: Đề thi thử Tốt nghiệp THPT lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh năm 2023 - Mã đề 132 - Trường THPT Kiến Thụy

  1. SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI KHẢO SÁT LIÊN TRƯỜNG THPT Môn: TIẾNG ANH 12 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; Mã đề thi: 132 (50 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the folloing exchanges from 1 to 2 Question 1: Jolie is reading a magazine on famous people, asking her friend, John. Jolie: “Do you think celebrities today tend to focus more on wealth rather than achievements?” John: “___. And this sets bad examples for young people.” A. It's out of the question B. I think they focus more on achievements C. You can say that again D. Not at all Question 2: Liz: Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us! - Jennifer:___ A. Not at all. Don’t mention it. B. Welcome! It’s very nice of you. C. Alright. Do you know how much it costs? D. Actually speaking, I myself don’t like it. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions 3 to 4 Question 3: A. laughed B. practised C. repaired D. stopped Question 4: A. final B. revival C. reliable D. liberty Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 5 to 11 Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to a substance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly. At first, the body of the individual is not harmed by coming into contact with the substance. After a varying interval of time, usually longer than a few weeks, the body becomes sensitive to it, and an allergy has begun to develop. Sometimes it's hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Your symptoms could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, joint pains mimicking arthritis, headaches, irritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, eggs, seafood, wheat, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges, and tomatoes. Many of these allergies will not develop if these foods are not fed to an infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines can be set off by foods containing tyramine, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate. Common foods which contain these are chocolate, aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, pickled herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meats, many Oriental and prepared foods (read the labels!). Some people have been successful in treating their migraines with supplements of B-vitamins, particularly B6 and niacin. Children who are hyperactive may benefit from eliminating food additives, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of these are almonds, green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes. This is the diet made popular by Benjamin Feingold, who has written the book “Why your Child is Hyperactive”. Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective. Question 5: The topic of this passage is___ A. reactions to foods B. food and nutrition C. infants and allergies D. a good diet Question 6: According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to___ A. the vast number of different foods we eat B. lack of a proper treatment plan C. the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems D. the use of prepared formula to feed babies Question 7: The phrase "set off" in the paragraph second is closest in meaning to___ Trang 1/4 - Mã đề thi 132
  2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions 22 to 23 Question 22: A. prefer B. canoe C. support D. suburb Question 23: A. obstacle B. invention C. bacteria D. discover Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions 24 to 26 Question 24: It is necessary for him to finish his homework by tomorrow. A. He ought not to finish his homework by tomorrow. B. He might finish his homework by tomorrow. C. He mustn’t finish his homework by tomorrow. D. He needs to finish his homework by tomorrow. Question 25: “I would book the tickets in advance if I were you.” Linda said to me. A. Linda warned me against booking the tickets in advance. B. Linda advised me to book the tickets in advance. C. Linda suggested that I not book the tickets in advance. D. Linda ordered me to book the tickets in advance. Question 26: Peter started learning to play the piano two months ago. A. Peter has learned to play the piano for two months. B. Peter is learning to play the piano at the moment. C. Peter stopped learning to play the piano two months ago. D. Peter has never learned to play the piano. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions 27 to 41 Question 27: Robert Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since the ___ achieved independence in 1980. A. nation B. national C. nationally D. nationality Question 28: They haven’t finished their homework, ___? A. don’t they B. haven’t they C. have they D. do they Question 29: Did you have___ good time at the party last night? A. X ( no article) B. an C. a D. the Question 30: As an adult, I am independent___my parents financially. A. on B. of C. with D. out Question 31: By the time we get there tonight, the film ___. A. will start B. will have started C. started D. starts Question 32: He didn’t manage to win the race___hurting his foot before the race. A. although B. because of C. in spite of D. despite of Question 33: This morning, I was made to clean the ___ carpet my father bought last year. A. woolen old Chinese B. Chinese woolen old C. old woolen Chinese D. old Chinese woolen Question 34: When they ___ for the beach the sun was shining, but by the time they arrived it had clouded over. A. set off B. left out C. carried out D. went through Question 35: He fell down when he___towards the church. A. runs B. run C. was running D. had run Question 36: It is very difficult to ___ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language. A. convert B. transfer C. convey D. exchange Question 37: Last night Laura ___ a big diamond ring by her husband at her birthday party. A. was giving B. gave C. gives D. was given Question 38: ___ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go. A. Having been invited B. To have been invited C. To have invited D. Having invited Question 39: The more you study, ___. A. you are the more knowledge B. the more knowledge do you gain C. you will gain more knowledge D. the more knowledge you gain Question 40: Due to the nature of the earthquake, a much larger ___ of the population might be affected. A. segment B. division C. totality D. density Trang 3/4 - Mã đề thi 132