Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020 - Mã đề 405 (Có đáp án)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: Last year we visited_________ United States.
A. a
B. the
C. an
D. Ø (no article)
Question 6: If I knew her number, I ________ you.
A. told
B. had told
C. will tell
D. would tell
doc 14 trang Bảo Ngọc 24/01/2024 940
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  1. Đề thi thử Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. killed B. enjoyed C. described D. wanted Question 2: A. enough B. loud C. about D. amount Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. become B. design C. prevent D. happen Question 4: A. attention B. habitat C. parallel
  2. A. about B. for C. from D. to Question 10: Emily was the first person he met ___in that town. A. on arriving B. by arriving C. when to arrive D. when he arrives Question 11: ___classical dance for five years, Akiko finally felt ready ___in public. A. Studying/ to be performed B. To study/ performed C. Being studied/ having performed D. Having studied/ to perform Question 12: We insist that more money ___ in education. A. investing B. invested C. invests D. be invested Question 13: Students normally enter university from the onwards and study for an ___ degree. A. academy B. academically C. academic
  3. A. receptive B. acceptable C. permissive D. applicable Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 19: The lost hikers stayed alive by eating wild berries and drinking spring water. A. revived B. surprised C. connived D. survived Question 20: When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on the air. A. extremely happy B. extremely light C. feeling extremely airy D. feeling extremely unhappy Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 21: “Please speak up a little more, Jason. You are hardly loud enough to be heard from the back”, the teacher said. A. visible B. edible C. eligible D. inaudible Question 22: I could not see what she was doing. It was so dark down there.
  4. Gum is a (26)___ of things. For many years gum companies made gum from chicle. Chicle is a natural gum from a tree in Mexico and Central America. Now companies are plastic and rubber made from petroleum instead of chicle. Gum must be soft (27)___ you can chew it. A softener keeps it soft. The gum company makes the softener from vegetable oil. A sweetener makes the gum sweet. The sweetener is usually sugar. Then the company adds the flavor. Thomas Adams made the first gum from chicle in 1836. (28)___, chewing gum was not new. The Greeks chewed gum from a tree over 2,000 years ago. Mayan Indians in Mexico chewed chicle. Indians in the Northeastern United States taught Europeans to chew gum from a tree there. People first made bubble gum in 1928. Children like to (29)___ bubble with bubble gum. Some university students do too. Question 25: A. The other B. Others C. The others D. Other Question 26: A. fix B. roll C. mixture D. connection Question 27: A. so that B. then C. for D. that
  5. Question 30: What is the main purpose of the passage? A. To introduce the idea that dietary at increases the blood cholesterol level B. To make people know about the relationship between eggs and cholesterol C. To persuade people that eggs are unhealthy and should not be eaten D. To convince people to eat “designer” eggs and egg substitutes Question 31: Which of the following could best replace the word “plummet”? A. improve B. ascend C. rise D. decline Question 32: The pronoun ''this'' in the passage refers to which of the following? A. decreasing fat intake B. increasing blood cholesterol C. reducing egg intake D. eating “designer” eggs Question 33: According to the passage, what has been the cause for changes in the sale of eggs? A. increasing price B. decreased production C. dietary changes in hens D. concerns about cholesterol Question 34: According to the passage, egg substitutes cannot be used to make any of the following types of eggs EXCEPT___. A. boil B. poached
  6. Question 35: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The nature of education around the world in modern times B. Systems of higher education in France and Germany C. The origin of higher education system in Europe D. The influence of France and Germany on educational systems of other countries Question 36: The word “uniformity” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___. A. proximity B. discrepancy C. similarity D. uniqueness Question 37: The word “their” in paragraph 3 refers to ___. A. schools B. universities C. examinations D. branches Question 38: Which of the following about grandes écoles in France is NOT stated in paragraph 3? A. Most of them have no connection with universities. B. They have a reputation for advanced professional and technical training. C. Their degrees are better recognized than those provided by universities. D. They offer better accommodations and facilities than universities. Question 39: According to the passage, a regional university rector in Germany is elected by__. A. the staff of the university
  7. C. that I realized D. at home Question 44: My mother is finally used to cook on an electric stove after using a gas one for a long time A. at home B. after using C. one D. a long time Question 45: English, together with Literature and Maths, are compulsory subjects in the national curriculum. A. English B. with Literature C. are compulsory subjects D. national curriculum Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46: No one in the team can play better than John. A. John plays well but the others play better. B. John as well as other players of the team plays very well. C. Everyone in the team, but John, plays very well. D. John is the best player of the team. Question 47: "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary. A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress. B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.