Đề thi thử THPT Quốc gia môn Tiếng Anh năm 2020 - Mã đề 404 (Có đáp án)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: It is against the law to __¬___ on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race.
A. suit
B. believe
C. discriminate
D. gain
Question 6: San Francisco is built on 40 hills and some are very _____.
A. short
B. steep
C. plain
D. stable
doc 14 trang Bảo Ngọc 24/01/2024 900
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  1. Đề thi thử Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. plays B. means C. cooks D. lies Question 2: A. practised B. wasted C. washed D. looked Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. across B. gather C. common D. happen Question 4: A. amazing B. sympathy
  2. D. extinct/ Naturalists Question 9: I saw him hiding something in a ___ bag. A. plastic small black B. small black plastic C. black small plastic D. small plastic black Question 10: She was ___ horror when reading the news about the explosion. A. filled with B. happy with C. tired of D. full of Question 11: By the time I recovered from the shock, he ___ round the comer. A. disappeared B. disappears C. had disappeared D. has disappeared Question 12: Florida, ___ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year. A. that is known as B. which is known as C. which known as D. knowing Question 13: Linda insisted that the newly-born baby ___ after her husband’s father. A. ought to be named
  3. Question 18: She was overjoyed because her article ___. A. has been published B. has published C. had been published D. had published Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 19: A revolution in women's fashion during the second half of the twentieth century made trousers acceptable for almost all activities. A. ideal B. attractive C. permissible D. available Question 20: The treaty explains the terms of the agreement to reduce nuclear arms. A. puts out B. turns out C. sets out D. cuts out Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 21: This is new washing machine is not a patch on our old one. These clothes are still dirty. A. to be expensive B. to be broken C. to be strange
  4. The United Nations Children’s Fund, formerly the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), is undeniably a program of the United Nations devoted (25) ___ aiding national efforts to improve the health, nutrition, education, and general welfare of children. UNICEF was created in December 1946 for the (26) ___ of relief to children in countries devastated by World War II. After 1950 the fund’s efforts were directed towards general programs for the improvement of children’s welfare, particularly in (27) ___ countries, as well as those in various emergency situations. The change in the organization’s name to the United Nations Children’s Fund was a reflection of this shift in function. Much of UNICEF’s effort (28) ___ in fields in which relatively small expenditure could have a significant impact on the lives of children, such as the prevention and treatment of certain diseases and the distribution of surplus food, additional activities to health personnel, the construction of education facilities and the training of teachers, and the extension of other welfare services. Their humane activities are financed both by government and private (29) ___ contributions. Question 25: A. on B. to C. up D. into Question 26: A. provision B. improvement C. expenditure D. development Question 27: A. developed B. developing C. development D. develop
  5. many families could take advantage of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare. Question 30: During the 1860's, canned food products were ___. A. unavailable in rural areas B. shipped in refrigerator cars C. available in limited quantities D. a staple part of the American diet Question 31: The phrase in season refers to __¬___. A. a kind of weather B. a particular time of year C. an official schedule D. a method of flavoring food Question 32: Which of the following statements is supported by the passage? A. Tin cans and iceboxes helped to make many foods more widely available. B. Commercial ice factories were developed by railroad owners. C. Most farmers in the United States raised only fruits and vegetables. D. People who lived in cities demanded home delivery of foods. Question 33: It can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into use __¬___. A. before 1860 B. before 1890 C. after 1900 D. after 1920 Question 34: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Causes of food spoilage
  6. Question 37: The word “descendants” is closest in meaning to ___. A. grandchildren B. ancestors C. forefathers D. offspring Question 38: The word “they” in the first paragraph refers to ___. A. the scales B. the animals C. the vertebrates D. the bodies Question 39: The word “those” in the last paragraph refers to ___. A. reptiles and mammals B. bodies and biological activities C. newer types of land dwellers D. special adaptations Question 40: Animals found desert living possible only___. A. when they were fully adapted to land B. after they could walk on two feet C. when they became amphibious D. if they migrated to sea periodically Question 41: The seashore was a barrier for descendants of fish-type because___. A. crossing it required bodily changes B. every attempt to cross it ended in death
  7. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 46: He approached the house. Soon afterward the policeman stopped him. A. No sooner had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him. B. Hardly had he approached the house than the policeman stopped him. C. No sooner had he approached the house when the policeman stopped him. D. Hardly he had approached the house when the policeman stopped him. Question 47: The house is for sale. I was born in it. A. The house that I was born is for sale. B. The house in which I was born is for sale. C. The house which I was born is for sale. D. The house where I was born in is for sale. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 48: A beaver uses its strong front teeth to cut down trees and peel off its bark. A. its strong B. teeth C. peel off D. its Question 49: One or the other of the secretaries have to attend the meeting. But both of them are reluctant to do so. A. One B. have to C. both of D. to do