Đề thi minh họa Tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh năm 2022 - Đề số 29 (Có đáp án)

Question 17. In modern family, each member should give a hard to share the household _______.
A. chores B. worlds C. contributions D. charges
Question 18. The commission estimates that at least seven companies took _______ of the program,
A. advantage B. use C. benefit D. dominance
Question 19. She’s a very strict teacher. If any of her students step out of _______, she gets really angry.
A. place B. order C. line D. position
docx 18 trang Bảo Ngọc 18/01/2024 960
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  1. ĐỀ CHUẨN MINH HỌA SỐ 29 KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM 2022 (Đề thi có 05 trang) Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes the following exchanges. Question 1. Jane is talking to Mary about her new handbag. - Jane: “What a fashionable handbag you have got, Mary! - Mary: “___” A. Thank you very much. I am afraid B. You are telling a lie C. Thank you. I bought it in London D. I don’t like your sayings Question 2. David is talking about air pollution in their city. - David: “Too many vehicles on the streets cause not only air pollution but also many other problems” - Mary: “___. Noise pollution and road accidents are becoming increasingly serious.” A. I couldn’t agree more B. Are you absolutely sure? C. Oh, I don’t know D. That really surprises me. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3. A. capture B. picture C. ensure D. pleasure Question 4. A. enormous B. annoying C. similar D. dependent Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. She’s finished the course, ___? A. isn’t she B. doesn’t she C. didn’t she D. hasn’t she Question 6. My wedding ring ___ of yellow and white gold. A. is made B. is making C. made D. maked Question 7. Jim is ___ London, looking after his aunt in the hospital. A. on B. onto C. in D. from Question 8. ___ we walk, the sooner we will get there. A. the more quick B. the quicker C. the most quickly D. The more quickly Question 9. They take their ___ children to the park every day. A. lovely African small young B. African small young lovely C. lovely small young African D. young lovely African small Question 10. He was playing football when he ___. A. fallen over B. fell over C. was falling D. fall over Question 11. She is fed up with sharing a house with others; ___, she is looking for her own flat. A. Moreover B. therefore C. however D. although Question 12. ___, we will leave. A. As soon as it has stopped raining B. Once it stopped raining C. When it had stopped D. While it was stopping raining Question 13. ___ her homework, she watched her favorite movie. A. Having finished B. Finished C. To finish D. Being finished
  2. past. Nowadays in the US, an ‘hour-long’ drama lasts about 40 minutes, whereas in the 1980s the programmes lasted 48 minutes. The rest is adverts. The ABC channel had slightly more adverts than other channels. But recently they’ve changed, which is even worse than before! Before, all their dramas had four sections. But now its producers separate each programme into six sections. Usually the first section is approximately ten minutes long. Then they have the first break. When people have watched a programme for ten minutes, it’s much less probable that they will stop watching or change channels. But then, in the next 45 minutes, there are four more commercial breaks. Each break is about three and a half minutes long. All of this makes it much more difficult for writers of dramas to write good stories. Quiet scenes make no impact because there are more and more adverts and the adverts are longer and longer. ‘It’s OK for game shows or more exciting adventure series,’ says American TV producer David Kelley. ‘But for programmes that don’t depend on violence or melodramatic scenes, it’s more difficult to make a story with six sections than to make one with four. The only thing you can do is be more aggressive, either with the music or the visual impact, just to attract people’s attention after the adverts.’ Question 29. Which could be the best title of the passage? A. Adverts turn TV viewers off. B. Commercial breaks increase productivity. C. TV commercials are no longer in favour. D. Modern advertising is an advantage Question 30. The phrase “the programmes” in paragraph 1 refers to ___. A. reality shows B. the ABC channels C. American dramas D. the adverts Question 31. The word “probable” in paragraph 2 mostly means ___. A. causing worry B. unable to believe C. very difficult to deal with D. likely to happen Question 32. According to the passage, previously all of the ABC channel’s dramas ___. A. lasted 40 minutes B. consisted of 4 parts C. had six segments D. were divided into 5 separate parts Question 33. Which of the following is TRUE about game shows as stated in the passage? A. Quiet scenes in game shows are important factors in attracting people’s attention. B. It is possible to make them as six-part programmes. C. They rely neither on violence nor melodramatic scenes. D. They attract TV viewers by adverts lasting for three minutes. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 34. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month. A. It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes. B. It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes. C. It’s a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes. D. If s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago. Question 35. “I will ring you up after I get home” Peter said to Mary. A. Peter promised to give Mary a wedding ring after he got home. B. Peter asked Mary to pay him a visit after he got home. C. Peter promised to visit Mary after he got home. D. Peter promised to telephone Mary after he got home. Question 36. Susan will be ready any minute, and then we must leave. A. We must leave as soon as Susan will be ready. B. We must leave the moment Susan must be ready C. We must leave as soon as Susan is ready. D. We will leave any minute when Susan will be ready.
  3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 44. She phoned me this afternoon at the office and we had a brief chat. A. lengthy B. friendly C. short D. private Question 45. You should take the bull by the horns and go and see him now. A. face directly B. respond eagerly C. avoid completely D. change slightly Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 46. There used to be a movie theater here, but it closes a long time ago. A. used B. be C. closes D. long Question 47. Setting a fixed contribution makes it easy for students to know what is expected of him. A. Setting B. easy C. is D. him Question 48. The company had better develop more rapid and reliant systems for handling customers’ complaints. A. The B. had better C. reliant D. handling Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on the answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49. She can’t apply for the job because she isn’t good at English. A. As long as she is good at English and she could apply for the job. B. She wishes she were good at English and she could apply for the job. C. If she is good at English, she can apply for the job. D. If only she had been good at English, she could apply for the job. Question 50. The basketball team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other. A. Hardly had the basketball team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other. B. Not only did the basketball team lose the match but they blamed each other as well. C. No sooner had the basketball team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match. D. As soon as they blamed each other, the basketball team knew they lost the match THE END
  4. 5 (NB) Kiến thức: Câu hỏi đuôi Giải thích: Động từ ở mệnh đề chính thì hiện tại hoàn thành “’s finished” (has finished), dạng khẳng định => động từ ở câu hỏi đuôi: hasn’t Chủ ngữ ở mệnh đề chính: she => chủ ngữ ở câu hỏi đuôi: she Tạm dịch: Cô ấy đã hoàn thành khóa học, phải không? Chọn D. 6 (TH) Kiến thức: Câu bị động Giải thích: Do chủ ngữ “my wedding ring” (nhẫn cưới) không thể thực hiện hành động “make” (tạo ra) => động từ ở dạng bị động => loại B, C, D to be made of: được làm bằng Tạm dịch: Nhẫn cưới của tôi được bằng vàng trắng và vàng. Chọn A. 7 (TH) Kiến thức: Giới từ Giải thích: in London: ở Luân Đôn from London: đến từ Luân Đôn Tạm dịch: Jim đang ở Luân Đôn để chăm sóc cho cô của anh ở bệnh viện. Chọn C. 8 (TH) Kiến thức: So sánh kép Giải thích: Công thức so sánh kép: The more adv/adv-er S1 + V1, the more adv/adv-er S2 + V2: càng càng quickly (adv): một cách nhanh chóng => so sánh hơn: more quickly Tạm dịch: Chúng ta đi bộ càng nhanh, chúng ta sẽ càng sớm đến đó. Chọn D. 9 (TH) Kiến thức: Trật tự tính từ Giải thích: Trật tự tính từ: Opinion (Ý kiến) – Size (Kích cỡ) – Age (Tuổi tác) – Shape (Hình dáng) – Color (Màu sắc) – Origin (Nguồn gốc) – Material (Chất liệu) – Purpose (Mục đích) lovely (adj): đáng yêu (ý kiến) small (adj): nhỏ (kích cỡ) young (adj): trẻ, nhỏ (tuổi tác) African (adj): thuộc châu Phi Tạm dịch: Họ đưa những đứa trẻ châu Phi nhỏ nhắn đáng yêu của họ đến công viên mỗi ngày. Chọn C. 10 (TH) Kiến thức: Thì quá khứ đơn, sự phối hợp thì Giải thích:
  5. Giải thích: turn down: vặn nhỏ turn up: đến, xuất hiện turn into: trở thành turn on: bật Tạm dịch: Làm ơn giảm âm lượng trên radio xuống – nó đang to quá đấy! Chọn A. 16 (VD) Kiến thức: Sự kết hợp từ Giải thích: A. do – did: làm, hành động B. make – made: chế tạo, sản xuất C. build – built: xây dựng D. cause – caused: gây ra => make a good impression: tạo ấn tượng tốt Tạm dịch: Penny đã tạo được ấn tượng tốt với bố mẹ tôi. Cô ấy thật lịch sự. Chọn B. 17 (TH) Kiến thức: Từ vựng Giải thích: A. chores (n): công việc vặt trong nhà B. works (n): việc làm, hành động C. contributions (n): sự đóng góp D. charges (n): nhiệm vụ, bổn phận => household chores: việc nhà, những công việc trong nhà Tạm dịch: Trong gia đình hiện đại, mỗi thành viên nên chung tay chia sẻ công việc nhà. Chọn A. 18 (VD) Kiến thức: Cụm từ Giải thích: A. advantage (n): lợi ích B. use (n): công dụng, sử dụng C. benefit (n): lợi ích D. dominate (v): thống trị => take advantage of: tận dụng lợi ích của Tạm dịch: Ủy ban ước tính rằng ít nhất bảy công ty đã tận dụng chương trình này. Chọn A. 19 (VDC) Kiến thức: Thành ngữ Giải thích: A. place (n): vị trí, địa điểm B. order (n): ngôi, hàng, cấp C. line (n): dòng D. position (n): vị trí => step out of line (idiom): làm trái, vi phạm Tạm dịch: Cô ấy là một giáo viên rất nghiêm khắc. Nếu bất kỳ học sinh nào của cô ấy vi phạm nội quy, cô ấy sẽ rất tức giận. Chọn C. 20 (TH) Kiến thức: Từ vựng Giải thích: competition (n): cuộc thi A. show (n): cuộc trình diễn B. quiz (n): câu đố C. contest (n): cuộc thi D. tour (n): cuộc đi du lịch => competition (n) = contest (n): cuộc thi