Đề khảo sát chất lượng lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Mã đề 132 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Thuận Thành số 1 (Có đáp án)

Câu 13: We need _____information before we can decide.
A. further B. farther C. furthest D. far
Câu 14: Little _____he know how much suffering he has caused.
A. won’t B. does C. didn’t D. should
Câu 15: _____interested in the subjects, I would try to learn more about it?
A. I was B. Should I C. If I am D. Were I
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Nội dung text: Đề khảo sát chất lượng lần 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Mã đề 132 - Năm học 2019-2020 - Trường THPT Thuận Thành số 1 (Có đáp án)

  1. SỞ GD – ĐT BẮC NINH ĐỀ KHẢO SÁT CHẤT LƯỢNG LẦN 1 TRƯỜNG THPT THUẬN THÀNH SỐ 1 NĂM HỌC 2019 -2020 Môn: TIẾNG ANH 12 Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút; (50 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: Mã đề thi 132 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Câu 1: Ancient people made a clay pottery because they needed it for their survival. A. a clay B. because C. it D. their survival Câu 2: The children had such difficult time when they began school in their new neighborhood that the parents decided never to move again. A. never B. began C. to move D. such difficult time Câu 3: Those who had already purchased tickets were instructed to go to gate first immediately. A. instructed to go B. those C. had already purchased D. first immediately Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Câu 4: A. disappear B. arrangement C. opponent D. contractual Câu 5: A. impatient B. uncertain C. arrogant D. familiar Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Câu 6: A. famous B. nervous C. loud D. serious Câu 7: A. substantial B. supportive C. compulsory D. curriculum Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Câu 8: I don’t blame you for not ___outside in this awful weather. A. wanting to go B. wanting go C. want to go D. to want go Câu 9: The school was closed for a month because of a serious ___of fever. A. outbreak B. outburst C. outcome D. outset Câu 10: When she ___ her mistakes, she apologized. A. realized B. realize C. was realizing D. has realized Câu 11: If only he ___ accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone! A. will B. would C. may D. were Câu 12: I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is ___ of our serious consideration. A. worth B. worthless C. worthwhile D. worthy Câu 13: We need ___information before we can decide. A. further B. farther C. furthest D. far Câu 14: Little ___he know how much suffering he has caused. A. won’t B. does C. didn’t D. should Câu 15: ___interested in the subjects, I would try to learn more about it? A. I was B. Should I C. If I am D. Were I Câu 16: It is not always ___students who do well in tests. A. brighter B. most bright C. more bright D. the brightest. Câu 17: With his selfishness, he’s lost nearly ___ friend he had. A. all B. each C. every D. most Câu 18: It seems that the world record for this event is almost impossible to ___. A. get B. beat C. take D. achieve Câu 19: Since they aren’t answering the phone, they ___. A. should have left B. must have left C. D. can have left Câu 20: Dr. Evans has ___ a valuable contribution to the life of the school. A. done B. made C. caused D. created Câu 21: ___that I tore up the letter. A. I was such an annoyed B. Such was my annoyance C. I was so annoying D. So was I annoyed Trang 1/4 - Mã đề thi 132 -
  2. exam! They are cut (36) ___ for much bigger things in life. Tell them, no matter (37) ___ they score, you love them and will not judge them. Please do this, and when you do, watch your children conquer the world. One exam or a low mark won’t take away their dreams and talent. And please, do not think that doctors and engineers are the only happy people in the world. Câu 33: A. business B. entrepreneur C. venture D. enterprise Câu 34: A. taking B. doing C. sitting D. making Câu 35: A. down B. off C. out D. away Câu 36: A. what B. how C. which D. when Câu 37: A. So B. But C. D. And Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Birds have evolved many physical attributes that contribute to their flying ability. Wings are important, but adjustable tails, large hearts and light bones play critical roles. To fly, birds, like airplanes, move air across their wings. Wings are designed so that air above the wings is forced to move faster than air below the wing. This creates higher pressure under the wings, called lift, which pushes the bird up. Different wing types evolved for different ways of flying. Prolonged flight requires long wings and an ability to soar. Other birds need superior maneuverability. Finches and sparrows have short, broad wings. Faster birds, like hawks have built - in spoilers that reduce turbulence while flying. This allows a steeper angle of attack without stalling. Tails have evolved for specialized use. The tail acts like a rudder helping birds steer. Birds brake by spreading out their tails as they land. This adaptation allows them to make sudden, controlled stops in essential skill, since most birds need to land on individual branches or on prey. Flight takes muscle strength. I body builders had wings, they still could not flap hard enough to have the ground. Birds have large, specialized hearts that beat much faster than the human hair and provide the necessary oxygen to the muscles. The breast muscle accounts for 15 percent of the bird’s body weight. On pigeons, it accounts for a third of their total body weight. Birds carry no excess baggage, they have hollow feathers and hollow bones with struts inside to maintain strength, like cross beams in a bridge. Birds fly to find a prey, escape predators, and attract mates-in other words, to survive. Câu 38: The phrase ‘finches and sparrows’ refers to___. A. wings B. maneuvers C. ways of flying D. birds Câu 39: According to the passage, what causes birds to rise when they start flying? A. Spreading out their tails B. Long wings with hollow feathers C. Higher air pressure below than above the wings D. Superior muscle strength Câu 40: According to the passage, what benefit comes from having built-in spoilers? A. an ability to fly faster B. a steeper angle of diving for prey C. prolonged flight D. superior maneuverability when climbing Câu 41: What is the main idea of the passage? A. Wings are the most important physical attribute of birds. B. Different wing styles evolved for different types of flight. C. Birds fly for many reasons. D. Birds have many specialized features that aid in their survival. Câu 42: What does the author imply about the body builders having wings? A. If they had wings, their muscles would be strong enough for flight. B. Their wings would total 15 percent of their body weight. C. If they flapped their wings, they could fly a little. D. If they had wings, their hearts would still not be large for flight. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Laws are rules that a society makes to maintain order and keep citizens and their possessions safe. Most countries have thousands of laws that are enforced by police officers with the help of court systems. Laws today are based on those of earlier societies. Ancient Egypt had laws in 3000 B.C. They were based on common sense views of right and wrong. All people were equal under the law. When a person broke Trang 3/4 - Mã đề thi 132 -
  3. 001 132 1 A 001 132 2 D 001 132 3 D 001 132 4 A 001 132 5 C 001 132 6 C 001 132 7 C 001 132 8 A 001 132 9 A 001 132 10 A 001 132 11 B 001 132 12 D 001 132 13 A 001 132 14 B 001 132 15 D 001 132 16 D 001 132 17 C 001 132 18 B 001 132 19 B 001 132 20 B 001 132 21 B 001 132 22 C 001 132 23 B 001 132 24 C 001 132 25 D 001 132 26 A 001 132 27 B 001 132 28 C 001 132 29 C 001 132 30 D 001 132 31 B 001 132 32 C 001 132 33 B 001 132 34 C 001 132 35 C 001 132 36 A 001 132 37 B 001 132 38 D 001 132 39 C 001 132 40 B 001 132 41 D 001 132 42 D 001 132 43 D 001 132 44 A 001 132 45 D 001 132 46 B 001 132 47 B 001 132 48 A 001 132 49 D 001 132 50 A